Monday, December 28, 2009


I give and am refilled
from where I do not know,
but I believe
it to be
from somewhere far below
the surface of my consciousness
and the fathoms of my soul.

Thursday, November 26, 2009


I awoke bound in a cart drawn by dark, foul creatures - monstrosities; knowing not where I was going and having not the means to alter my course. Using the Words of Release, I freed myself for movement and to command the dark spirits to withdraw or dissipate. In a manner heretofore unwitnessed, the Occupi swarmed up and onto me, clawing, tearing, biting. I was assailed by the darkness.
Fighting with demons is hard and I don't recommend it. They know your weaknesses and will not hesitate to strike you there and harm.
Recounting the previous hours - I realized that I had been under assault for some time subconsciously - flashes of evil rising in my mind. But, having in recent days of glory, risen to a new plane of love and goodness, recognized the upswells of malevolence for what they were, amusedly (and maybe naively) dismissed them. Like pushing the nose of a shark under the dark water with your foot.
Now, fighting with these familiar, foul, incessant foes - I know where I went wrong. I let my guard down. In us all is a pole of negativity - fed by fears and sorrow. It's offspring is Malignance, and its desire is our destruction.
I put down the dark foe in time - with time, sleep, and the forces of air and water and smoke. Am I harmed, you ask. I am. Wounded - but truly not of my own accord. Not this time. By repressing and shunning intercourse with the dark - I have made them jealous and desperate. And it appears maybe they have the power to twist fate - as do I. Now my guard is up - eyes ready. Sublime how they use love to damage - I dare say insidious.
Now I lick my wounds, heal my heart, and narrow my eyes - it seems I've crossed a line. The more I orient myself with positivity and the light - the more difficult it is to stave off the sorrow and fear. And I'm sorry, but equilibrium and normalacy are not to be mine. I seek the Tower.
An afternote: as a result of this battle with my inner demons - the Love in my heart has more than doubled in size - like dropping a stone into a pool - it sinks and is consumed; but the water overflows and reaches areas until here unknown and rich in beauty and satisfaction.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Face of the Wind

My eyes have seen the Wind and watched her dance
unabashedly across the land.
Not one to rest 'ere long, no more settled than arisen,
when awakened. A girl aswirl and then she is gone.
Men desire her, and why, I wonder, should they not?
Her power and beauty is vast, untethered.
What can defy her? Or deny her? I do not try.
Still they stretch their nets, and sails, and turbines,
trying to catch and hold her. Bound?
They should know better.
With a mother's care, I've seen her, pluck and lift
flowers and seedlings to replenish the land,
to allow birds to soar, borne on the breeze.
Through trees she dances and laughs with leaves,
stopping only when she wants,
and where she does all stands still in silent reverie.
And I know that I've been blessed,
to be kissed by Heaven's daughter,
as she glides above me, untamed, untethered,
the face of the Wind upon the Water.